Today is World Cancer Day. World cancer day, held every February 4th, is the global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control to raise awareness, improve education, initiate action, and promote a united positive movement with a goal of creating a future without cancer.
A future without cancer! That would be amazing!
Like so many, cancer has affected my world for as long as I can remember. From early childhood until today, I have countless friends, family, and colleagues who have shared parts of their journey after being diagnosed, or while treating, or while mourning a battle lost to cancer.
Like so many, I, too, mourn losses caused by cancer.
Most significantly, almost 15 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. My heart still hurts as I think about what she went through during her illness.
Her diagnosis to death was only 10 months.
My mother did not smoke, rarely drank, and was generally healthy. My parents always thought my Dad would be the first to head up to the pearly gates, and all of their planning reflected that assumption. And their estate plan did not include an integral part of planning – their health care directives. Because these documents were not in place before her diagnosis, we were all woefully unprepared.
It created the burden of uncertainty on us as caregivers and decision makers. You see, Mom did not want to confront or accept her imminent death. She asked her doctors to simply tell her what to do to get better, and she promised she would follow their instructions. Of course, there was nothing that would make her better. I sometimes wonder if, but must trust, the decisions ultimately made were in accordance with what she would have wanted had she thoughtfully considered her end of life.
However unpleasant it may be for you to think about what life may look like if you are unable to take care of yourself or when you die, consider how difficult it will be for your loved ones who will be required to act without your guidance, or the conflict that can arise when there is disagreement. A carefully designed plan will protect you and all that you care about. It ensures your voice controls even if you cannot speak for yourself.
We do not know what tomorrow holds. So much is out of our control. Life can change in an instant. So control what you can. Take the step to start your Life and Legacy planning today! Make the decision to protect yourself, your loved ones, your business, and your property by design and not by default!
Schedule a call today with Hartmann Law, providing Life and Legacy plans ready for today with an eye on the future.
#worldcancerday #lifeandlegacyplanning