Many people understand that an advanced healthcare directive is an integral part of a complete estate plan. But I do not know any who make a point to always carry those documents with them. For a variety of reasons, the documents you create are often unavailable. Medical treatment and even end of life decisions may be made without having an opportunity to reference to the directives you have put in place.
Hartmann Law is committed not only to creating a plan that expresses your intent in theory, but also providing a plan that works in practice. Our Life and Legacy Care and Maintenance Plan Clients receive a secure DocuBank subscription which digitally stores the documents for immediate access, making them available when it is needed most.
The DocuBank Emergency Card makes your advance healthcare directives immediately accessible 24/7 anywhere in the world. Hospital staff can obtain your documents via fax, or print them from the DocuBank website. Along with your directives, the hospital will also receive the names and phone numbers of your emergency contacts and primary care physician. It will list allergies and medical conditions to alert the medical staff and provide you with the best treatment. It also contains a notation in the event you have children or pets at home that should be provided for while you are incapacitated.

Your DocuBank membership also includes an online SAFE. This is a secure website where you can store all of your estate planning documents, such as your Will and and other personal files in one secure location. This provides the convenience of having your important documents accessible anytime, anywhere in the world.
Log in to Your Account
If you're an existing client with a DocuBank membership, you can log in to your account online to update your emergency contacts, view your advance directives, or set up a medication list by clicking here.
If you have any questions about DocuBank, please feel free to contact Hartmann Law.