General Durable Financial Power of Attorney
Names a person (agent) who will make financial decisions on your behalf
Your agent can act immediately, or in some states, only once you cannot make financial decisions.
You can customize the authority you want to give your agent.
Medical Power of Attorney
Names a person (patient advocate or agent) who can make or communicate medical decisions on your behalf
Could be needed because you are in a coma, in surgery, or suffering from dementia when a medical decision needs to be made
Advance Directive/Living Will
Provide direction to your patient advocate about your end-of-life wishes
You can specify what you want to be done if you have a terminal condition or have no probable chance of recovery.
May not be available or legally enforceable in all states
HIPAA Authorization Form
Authorizes named individuals to have access to your personal healthcare information
Does not give them authority to make medical decisions
Can keep everyone on the same page
Revocable Living Trust
Owns your accounts and property
Includes instructions about how the accounts and property owned by the trust are to be managed while you are alive, when you are unable to make your own financial decisions, and after your death
While you are alive and able to manage your own affairs, you create the trust, manage the trust (as trustee), and are the beneficiary.
Once you cannot manage the trust, your backup trustee will manage it for your benefit.
an adequately funded trust alleviates the need for court involvement if you cannot make your own decisions or after your death.
Contact Hartmann Law Today
If you have questions about incapacity tools, contact our office to speak to an estate planning attorney.
Take steps to start planning your Life and Legacy today! Take action to ensure your voice is heard when you are unable to speak for yourself. Decide to protect yourself, your loved ones, your business, and your property.
Schedule a call today with Hartmann Law.
Hartmann Law provides life and legacy plans ready for today with an eye on the future.
Life and Legacy Plans are created by design and not by default!
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