It's a balmy 22 degrees where I am sitting right now. Is anyone else wondering how Punxsutawney Phil was able to see his shadow on this overcast day???
As the folklore has been explained to me, when groundhogs can't see their shadow due to overcast weather, spring comes early. If they are scared by their shadow and retreat to the burrow, winter last six weeks longer.
I think “retreating to our burrow” is a lot like what we do we when we intentionally avoid an unpleasant task.
One thing many people tend to avoid is proactive Estate Planning.
And really, who can blame us? Death, Disability and Taxes, a shunned topic trifecta, help foster avoidance. Many times, instead of proactive planning, the process is reactive when a crisis or emergency forces us to act. Unfortunately, when a crisis or emergency is upon us, many of the important estate planning tools are lost as options or diminished in utility.
Without planning, your voice, your intent, your direction is unknown and silent. At best, people who love you will advocate on your behalf as they think you would want and will attempt to minimize financial impact. In worse cases, people knowing little or nothing about you or what is important to you, will be appointed to make decisions on your behalf. You could risk losing everything you have worked for and leave your loved ones unprotected.
Be better than the folklore! Don't gamble on shadows, and do not retreat to your burrow!
Take steps to start your Life and Legacy planning today! Take action to ensure you voice is heard when you are unable to speak for yourself. Make the decision to protect yourself, your loved ones, your business, your property by design and not by default!

Schedule a call today with Hartmann Law, providing Life and Legacy plans ready for today with an eye on the future.